Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dinorock "Un-Extinct 2010 Tour" (TBA)

Monday, September 28, 2009

anongr sept tuadem...

drespix iknomew cisdan slypt graan, horb durrmpft. intongueloes fettigrem intuem pordloando? schlemm? aberaux. fortogous? schermt. crexilaie hendraphourush snaaersnin! longatulous!!! welonk, pebut ri iny foempeng memperslack dongele. lopililiscoop frampes moperescent anquant anqunticist gnapn. pteradacent hoemjez ptemaf maferesent screm. soop frebarndt sepz soat cilani, ober sompt dels ghet ompersanp. imper vampp jo omp zangeln.trana goinc xbala!

pleilandi bambaha,
Faimpa Ferrndt ync Letsui Danglo

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Some warm mornings
the only reason I get out of my bed
is because I have the potential
of thinking of you.

I know I’ll not see you.
I know you’ll not return my calls.
I know I’ll not speak to you.
I know you’ll not reach out to me.

But, I may think of you.
And, I may remember our short time together—
Your charm, my ease—
And I may smile.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I don't even have to the words to describe how intensely i feel about this band's music.


more photos

Saturday, September 19, 2009

daft punk is playing at my house


The snake slan the pinwheel
onto overdextrous stew,
crammed a sliver into pembrane,
oligarchy claimed a few
of the zealous silver footmen,
all abrarcht with steaming pots,
filled a night with wholesome hollers
and regascent pilsternots.

Monday, September 14, 2009

dead cereal - don't try and stop me

cause when i am down
there's not a question
where will i go?

shade on the concrete
fighting for me

i'll grow up asking
why there is sound constant
inside my head

i'm going, i'm going, i'm going to get it
i'm going, i'm going, i'm going to make it happen

i am waiting for a boat.
checking myself in tomorrow morning. don't try and stop me. 28 dayz.
i'm ready to be a good friend/son/brother/co-worker again.

i won't be posting for a while

this is my decision, and it is the correct one. we all got our shit, sometimes it's too much to clean up.
but when you have people around you who know the size of your heart, they'll take you where they can.
mine picked me up today and took me where i needed to go. now it's my turn. my turn to start over.
it won't solve anything. but it will give me the tools i need to be prepared to come back, and be that jerk. that motherfuckin jerk. that boy who can make you giggle, who is overwhelmed by his imagination, and who cares about you more than you know.
this song explains why i am moving to rayville to become a stewardess.
i love you all with all my heart.
please keep posting. please keep creating. please keep in mind that you are never out of options. especially, people reading this, you have friends like mine. lean on and be leaned on. learn from one another. listen. listen to yourself.
look out for number one so that you are ready when your friend number is called.
the world isn't that tough, let's just enjoy those days when the weather's nice. and when it's not, find a friend and go play jacks.

more love than much love


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

yocab: september 10

JUBILESCENT:  n. an individual in the process of becoming joyful, frequently in spite of his/her best efforts to the contrary.

MARJY:  v. to pry from the clutches of any stubborn bird of prey, esp. one's own children.

ALLAGACIOUS:  adj. predisposed to magical explanation of common phenomena.


words by Anya Clingman. definitions by Justin Lamar Nix.

miss teen wordpower

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

my dream

I'm trying to ease my way into this thing. OK, nevermind--forget that. You've all seen videos of me drunk of my ass saying i've been to SeaWorld (refer to Montage ii).

So, I've been having pretty absurd dreams lately. I sleep-walk, wake up asking my boyfriend why he would ever rip my baby blanket in half , was late to work because i thought i was already there (we've all done that), etc. But last night my dream involved every person in my life, so i thought I'd share.

Setting: A big house in the country something like "The Dairy", where one of my co-workers used to live. It was a big party of sorts. EVERYONE was there---college friends, co-workers, the darsh nation, postandeason posters, family, bar-friends, etc.

At one point in the evening everyone gathered in the backyard for some star-gazing. However, such star-gazing included comet sightings, as well as millions of shooting stars and really strange nebulas.

The next thing that appeared in the sky was a small brown mass near the moon with a red spot on it. Lindley decided this was Uranus, so we were convinced. It was moving very rapidly and getting larger and larger, so we dismissed the idea of such a rapidly moving brown spot being a planet. The bigger the brown mass grew, the closer it go to us until it finally fell out of the sky and into the bushes. Everyone rushed to the scene, searching through the brush where the brown mass shook and shivered the shrubbery. We peered through the limbs.

What we then discovered was...

A baby E.T. with a red leash on it.

=blackeyed suzy b

Monday, September 7, 2009

yocab raws wif jonbom

dit: n. an empty medicine bottle, commonly found in the home, whose purpose has yet to be determined.

amliac: n. the time between waking and realizing you don't have to get up yet.

lillium crimpf flelum chompfney
mit nitly tetherian sheh slamit horselen
immodant bires
faimpa ferrndt
ephiliop fenstrus
tomparlo pominion
swip noin
deagln daeglahenn
teb pipariklex
yan nemainst
heloerny loerly

wrods amnuitions bee Hant Liome fa Faimpa Ferrndt.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Artist Profile: Sarabeth Dunton

Hudson Helicopter Crash, 2009. acrylic on canvas. (click to enlarge)
Justin Lamar Nix: How long have you been painting? 
Sarabeth Dunton: Oh god.  Forever.  When I was little I used to make these crazy abstract color block paintings with water colors.  My Grandma kept all of them, and pulls them out to show me every now and then.  They’re pretty amazing.  Very raw and just completely visual.  Sometimes I wish I could get back to that. Other than that I painted for five years of school, then took a two year hiatus and focused on drawing.  I started painting seriously again a little less than a year ago.  

JLN:  Who are some of your favorite contemporary artists? Oldies?
SD: I love so many artists for so many different things.  I love Eric Fischl for his taut psychology, Marlene Dumas for her arrogant and grotesque beauty, and Matthew Ritchie and Julie Merhetu for their abstract yet apt depictions of the contemporary landscape.
As for older artists the list goes on and on.  I think it’s especially important for postmodern painters to look to pre-modern art and really dissect it.  For instance, Cezanne’s use of composition and color is eternally interesting and practical to the understanding of all painting.  Also, Morandi’s  indefatigable meditations on the same dusty still life is pertinent to all painters.  I appreciate the slow process of really getting to know your subject, it changes the way you approach the painting and the choices you ultimately make.  As for earlier figural work, I’ve always had strong guttural reactions to Caravaggio and Goya.  The drama and theatrical quality of their work will always affect me.

Science Fiction Reality, 2009. acrylic on canvas. (click to enlarge)

JLN: Where do you draw your inspiration?
SD: Lately I’ve been taking images from the front page of the New York Times.  They have such amazing photographs on the cover every day.  Specifically, I’m interested in disaster scenes.  These images grab my attention in such a way I feel I have to comment on them.  An image of any disaster, be it war, a plane crash, or a natural disaster is such an interesting thing to me.  It seems to capture a slice within a moment so well.  I like to take an image, a sliver of reality, and complete the story. 

JLN: What about new Orleans inspires you, keeps you here making art?
SD: It’s such an interesting place.  It seems to be a place where there are so many contradictions.  It has a self-destructive energy to it that I think fosters creativity.  My work is all about exploring the confluence of destruction and creation, and I think that New Orleans embodies this idea very well.

Natural Disaster, 2009. acrylic on canvas. (click to enlarge)

JLN: With non-figurative painting, do you see the finished image before you begin, or does it evolve in the process?
SD: It’s definitely an evolution.  I’ll start with a concept and an image, usually an image from the newspaper, something I’ve seen that day that’s really struck me, something I feel I must comment on.  Usually this image inspires a color, so I start off with a color field and a representation of the original image, however I choose to interpret it, and then build around these principles.  I think that all painting is an evolution.  There is no way you can set out to produce one thing and have it turn out exactly so.  Artists are not computers.  We have to work with our mistakes and be willing to have a dialogue with the painting.  This means that sometimes I inflect my desires onto the canvas, but also sometimes the painting itself directs me where to go.  There are certain choices, visually, that have to be made in order for a piece to “work”; these choices are prompted both internally (personal preference) and externally (basic principles of composition as directed by the work itself).

JLN: How do you want to affect the perspective of your viewer?
SD: I want to startle them, then intrigue them.  I feel like I’ve completed a successful painting when the viewer goes back again and again and continues to discover something new.

Molecular Annihilation, 2009. acrylic on canvas. (click to enlarge)

Sarabeth Dunton is a painter, illustrator, and installation artist in New Orleans. She speaks very loudly, and is a dear friend of mine. Check out more of her works at sarabethdunton.com.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

put me in, coach

yocab- september 1

fetchitude: n. the inner demeanor of one who must retrieve goods and/or services for another, less-fortunate friend.

chorish: adj. an arbitrary feeling during the course of an activity usually associated with pleasure.

glovant: n. a teller of tall tales of world travels by one who has never, in fact, left his/her hometown.

esecterent: n. 1) the foam produced by the simultaneous sipping of a carbonated beverage and induced laughter. 2) one infamous for his/her appetite for the remains of dead birds.

spindelpholeen: v. to fondle any number of DNA strands.

trangromery: n. an alcohol-induced state of depression. those suffering intensely from this ailment may be taken to the trangromery ward.

cervalence: v. to actively seek out hidden beers.

incendepenne: v. to have one's member burned away by members of the mafia.

pleitchoutoulay: n. the tendency to experience panic attacks while crossing Lake Pontchatrain, possibly out of fear of the dreaded Pontchapus!

crosectalyze: v. to create leafvein-like structures on the tissues of animals while dissecting them in sub-freezing temperatures.

bargs: 1) n. hairy pustules formed on the knees of Vikings. 2) int. an angry interjection common among blue-collar repair workers of all kinds.

words and definitions by Pete Fetterman, Emilie Anderson, and Justin Lamar Nix.