Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Missy Elliot

Soon, Postandeason will become a reality. It is exactly what it says: whatever you want it to be. 
We are working and gimping as hard as humanly possible to make this a functional source for sharing music, art, video, feelings, and hopefully laughs.

All current members of the Darsh Nation are poised to contribute regularly, though all readers are encouraged to give whatcha got. 

Nobody is quite sure what to make of it, because it is nothing. And everything. It is postandeason, and it's coming. Just give it a minute.


  1. Here is what I say. Give what you got, start on anything and finish what you start. Love deeply with kindness and compassion.

    When I first opened my heart to postandeasonism, I found several jars of moonbeams under my desk. I said to myself, "How postandeason is this!?" and laughed and laughed and laughed.

    What am I made of? A bone structure supporting a bag of blood and lots of hope strings and heartaches holding the tiney tine together.

    What I am saying is this: YES!

    postandeason saved my life.

    free food, free love, free living,
    Brittney Leighann Maddox

  2. wowwwwwww... postanddeason, more than most of the reason my mind blew up, more possiblities than we even knew of, start a bartering charter, and finish minutes before you thought of, if you are behind get caught up, in what ever you want it, before the rest gets bought up, or traded,so help out to get it runinng, as previously stated, postandeason is coming....

    so proud and excited
    granddaddy darsh,
