postandeason is a word i made up when i was 4. i had a lisp, a huge cowlick, and i ate dirt. but my imagination was my best friend. i would make up characters of football and basketball players and pretemberlike in my backyard every waking moment, imagining myself to be something bigger than i was. i wore huge jerseys and created "plans" to run, as if I was the player, the coach, the broadcaster, and the fan.
i played music. only, it didn't sound good, the instruments were terribly off, but the attitude, stage presence, and flare for the dramatic was alive in such hard rock chants as "sanctuary" from the alterboy hymn book i heard normally call for.
postandeason means whatever you want it to mean. that was my answer whne people would ask me what the hell i was saying. whatever you want it to mean. my sister told some friends of mine in college about my made up world and word, which obviously turned something minor into the name of our pretemberlike magazine that we would never create.
but now we graduated, and the only thing left to do is postandeason. all i really do is lurk around the internet looking for new music, trailers for films i want to psychoanalyze into minor similarities with my own life, and watch crappy youtube videos of bands who i wish would come to new orleans.
so here we are. the shreveport-bossier-cruston-drama-at-516-soundstage- connection has scattered a bit, and we, in keeping with the narcissism that we all employ already, have decided that the only way to keep us all in touch is to have one medium through which everyone can contribute a piece of themselves to whenever they want. the narcissistic side comes, obviously, as we will be doing it to show everyone in the world how fucking cool we are. videos, art, music, literature...videos of britt and baby or john writing a song, paul's t-shirt designs and/or links to his interviews with artists, jaimie projects, pansnaps, jess columns, bethany songs, chayce, seri fana band videos, justin's yocab series...and so on
if anyone has a nice melody, or a cool beat, feel free to upload it to the page, and let someone else help out. once you have laid your addition down, add the layered piece to the page for others to hear/add to.
for instance: michael comes up with a melody, posts the skeleton of it, and jaimie thinks of a good hook, adds onto it, and posts her take on it...and so on
the same goes for a story, a picture, a video, a flyer...
john's bartering idea will be covered in the first week
mandy and i have an idea for a feature called "stapions"
a schedule of sorts will be posted sunday, and things should be ready for full launch on monday!
until then...
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